Friday, November 16, 2007

I've been tagged!

Well, Rachel tagged me so I'm supposed to say 7 random/interesting facts about myself. Here goes:
1. I've had four pairs of front teeth. I'm sure all of y'all know that but they just keep getting knocked out. Also, I've broken several other teeth and my friends joke that they're in the "I've broken one of Chelsie's teeth" club.

2. My roommates always make fun of me because I'm the messiest one. I probably hear about it 3 or 4 times a week. Well, yesterday we had cleaning checks and guess who was the ONLY one who passed! Thats right, ME!

3. I am currently in class for 27 hours a week and only get 16.5 credit hours.

4. I want to be a runner. I enjoy races. My next race is called the Nutcracker race and is at UVSC. The cool thing about this race is that everyone runs in tu-tus. :)

5. My weakness is ice cream. Specifically moose tracks! If I'm ever down, a good cup of moose tracks will make me happy.

6. I really like to cook. Specifically bake. If you come over to my house there will most likely be some type of goody for you to eat. Right now there is a cake(it was just my roommate's birthday), rice crispy treats, and jello(my friend got her wisdom teeth out this morning.

7. I love to play! I love all types of games! I have a kickball, volleyball, fooseball table, chalk, and cranium turbo! I am the game lady!

I would tag somebody but my only friend who blogs is Rachel, and she tagged me! :)


Mrs. Olsen said...

That race sounds fun! Do they give you tu-tus, or do you have to buy your own? You HAVE to post pictures of it!

Chelsie said...

they give you the tu-tus!