Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Couple Things

One thing that I've thought was funny about Utah ever since I moved here is how the rain actually makes things dirtier. I know in Alabama people hate to wash their car right before rain because it takes the shine away but that hardly compares to what the rain can do here. We've had a couple rainy nights recently and as I walked out to my car I glanced and saw all the dirt that the rain left on my car. Look at this! It was literally a pile of dirt. Because of the mountains we have really bad air pollution in the valley. When I was student teaching there were days that the kids weren't allowed to leave the building during recess because the air quality was so bad. We depend on the rain to clean it out a bit. It just made me giggle:)

Second random thing. A month or two ago Jean recommended for me to read The Hunger Games. She told me I'd love it. I finally went to the library a week or two ago to check it out and there were about 130 holds on the book. Despite being pretty poor at the moment I bit the bullet and bought it at Barnes and Noble. Jean WAS NOT kidding! This book is amazing! I would recommend it to anyone. Its on a young adult reading level and is so intense. The last two nights I got in to bed around midnight and couldn't put it down until around 1:30. I still have around 100 pages left but as soon as I finish typing this blog I will be back in my book:)

Last of all, I start my new job today! As you saw before I'm already a nanny 3 days a week but I picked up a job delivering pizzas for Papa Johns:) Really putting that degree to use! I'm going to be borrowing Grady's GPS for a while so I can find the homes. I'm also a little nervous because I hear delivering pizzas can be a little dangerous. Cross your fingers for me! Anyways, I'm excited to have something else to keep me busy. Life is good.


Mrs. Olsen said...

What? Two posts in two days??? I'll have to check out that book after I finish the one I'm reading!

Chelsie said...

haha it might even be faster to just wait for me for thanksgiving. The library holds are CRAZY!