Monday, October 12, 2009

What Happens in Vegas....

On Friday I drove down to Vegas to see mom and dad. It was a really short trip. I was probably only awake in Vegas for like 7 hours, but it was a good 7 hours. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe in the MGM and then saw KA- a Cirque du Soleil. It was AMAZING!
That night we went to bed pretty early because I had to take mom and dad to the airport a little before 445. After taking them to the airport I started the six hour drive back home. If you've ever wondered what Vegas looks like at 445 here's a sneak peak. Sorry the pictures are so bad. I take all of them with my cell phone because I lost my camera's battery charger in yellowstone in April. Anyways, the roads were so clear. A lot of the time I was in Vegas I couldn't see a single car going either way. All in all the trip was good:) Lots of traveling but really fun.

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