Sunday, December 23, 2007

It is time!

I have been alerted by several of my friends that it is time to post! They are right. It has been just over 3 weeks since my last post. However, these last weeks have been very hectic and not very interesting to most people. I had "hell week", or so I will call it, right before finals. Then was finals week. I feel like I've been so busy yet haven't done anything! I blame that on school! It seems like every time I was catching up 3 or 4 things would go wrong that would put me behind again.
I got home on thursday! It was wonderful! Time to relax! However the bad luck with school didn't stop there! Friday morning I got an email from my teaching p.e. teacher. I had to take that final online but for some reason it didn't show up that I took it! Such bad luck! Hopefully he believed me, otherwise I'll have to retake that class. :(
Tomorrow is the big day when all the family comes in. My sister, brother-in-law, and niece will come in along with my granparents and cousins. Tally of people staying at my house:15
I have also spent a ton of time working on a big christmas present for my family. I'm making a book of my extended family. It'll probably be about 40 to 50 pages when it is done. Hopefully I will be printing tonight!

Anyways, there's just a little update of what is going on with me! I'll post soon!

1 comment:

Leandra said...

Yay for posting. However, I want some pictures too! I've never been to Alabama... I want to see some pics!

P.S. Look at our blog later today, you may or may not have a shout out in there....