Wednesday, June 6, 2007

A couple of things...

Well it seems like alabama moves so slowly, but i guess a couple of things have happened in the last little while. Well, for my brother's graduation a bunch of people came in to town. On memorial day my sister, walter, and gary (walter's brother) did the cotton row run which is a 10k race! It was really fun! Walter and Gary ran together and my sister and I ran together. I decided that I could probably keep up with her since she was 7 1/2 months pregnant. We did really well until almost mile 5. A little before mile 5 my sister started getting cramps so we had to walk the rest of the way. I also made these shirts for everyone to wear! Cute, i know!
Then, after rachel and walter left we went up to kentucky for my cousin's graduation! It was really fun! It had been more than 2 years since i had seen my cousins. I had a fun time! My little girl cousin is 14 now and it was really weird but cool to be able to go shopping with her. I also had a really fun time playing with their dogs and it was a good time for me to get some reading done for my elementary literature class.
In other good news, i only have a week and a half until EFY starts! I'm so excited!

1 comment:

Mrs. Olsen said...

Yay for cute shirts!